Thursday, December 13, 2007

For my Subscribers

Here's a peek at some warm and fuzziness available right now to my newsletter subscribers only.

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It's called "Wonder-mint." A custom blend in shades of mint, deep dark chocolate, ecru and teal green. 75% MERINO and 25% TENCEL...and like I said it's available right now to my newsletter subscribers only for a special discount price.

If you are a subscriber you will be recieving your first newsletter in you email box very soon. I just sent the first issue out and it may take awhile to show up. And if you would like to get on the upcoming special offers available only to my subscribers you can sign up by sending an email with the words "add me" in the subject line to

Thanks everyone for signing up and I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season!

1 comment:

Anne said...

What a beautiful color!