Friday, July 18, 2008

Chocolate Toffee Cream ~ A New Blend!

Finally something NEW and VERY LUXURIOUS! Here's "Chocolate Toffee Cream". It is a blend of silk, alpaca, merino and bamboo. It almost melts in your hands. The new blend will be making it's debut in my Etsy Shop on Thursday the 24th of July. It is a somewhat "limited edition". I will not know exactly how much will be produced until I get my new supply shipment in on Monday. But I know there will be limited supply due to one of it's special ingredients.

If you are a Fiber Club Member your 4 ounces is on it's way to your mailbox. That's right! All of my Fiber Club Members received this blend as their shipment this month. Enjoy everyone! I hope you like it.

There are at least 13 more new blends on the horizon for next week. I will begin revealing the rest of them in my upcoming newsletter on the 24th of this month. If you haven't subscribed yet you can do so my sending an email with the words "add me" in the subject line to and I'll get you put on the subscriber list.
Thanks Everyone! Take care and have a great weekend. I'm headed back to the dye pots.

1 comment:

stephen rouse said...

man, that color is SWEET. You have the knack for color!