Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Stash Revealed

I moved the carder up to the house this winter so that I wouldn't have to pay the heat bill for the studio. During my absence, I would occasionally open the door and throw in a bag of fiber that I had purchased and over the months a rather huge mountain of wool had accumulated. So I geared up and went in this past Friday and did some serious "Spring Cleaning" and reorganizing. It was just like Christmas!! I was finding fiber that I had long forgot about purchasing...And with my having to cancel my booth at the DFW Fiber Fest due to family health issues....I am way overstocked. The good news ~ I wont have to place a supply order for awhile. The bad news ~ I just placed another supply order. LOL! I am so addicted to fiber. :O)

So here's a few pic's of the studio. It's only one end of the shop due to the fact that my other hobbies still need to have their day (or ten) of organization.


lots of goodies


Beware of the gaurd frog....

Personal Stash

That's my son "The Blurr" in the bottom left corner there. He was so excited that Mommy had cleaned her studio so that he could ride his bike inside. (He's such a ham.)


Uniquely Yours! said...

Your stash is AMAZING!The wood cube shelves are very nice, I need to reorganize, I've outgrown the shelves I have, eeek!

ZantiMissKnit said...

I almost fainted! It looks like a booth at a sheep and wool festival.

Your son is cute as cute can be!

Saffron said...

Um ... W. O. W. ! ! ! !

Alpaca Granny said...

Thanks for sharing with us. Is you work area as tidy? Son is a cutie.